Sunday, June 2, 2013

Work the plan

Well it's Sunday night, and I'm nursing a @^&&*$#$  cold.    Oh ya - summer colds are the worst especially when it's 52 degrees celcius outside before the humidity.   OK a slight exageration. (is that a oxymoron - "slight exageration"?).

Anyway, I've started running again.    I've been an on-again, off-again type runner.  I'm kind of all or nothing so if I'm not blowing my brains out, I'm doing nothing.    Working on this wonderful trait.     While training for a half-marathon a few years back I got injured which took about a year to get recover.    Last weekend, I was catapulted back into it.   You see, I agreed last year during our city's Marathon weekend, that I would run the 10K rhis year with my out-of-town BFF.     Well you guessed it, last weekend arrived, and I realized I forgot to train.   Well "forgot".....let's just say I "forgot" to get my ass out the door on to the pavement.    But I ran it anyway - (stick to my word kinda girl = good trait)

I would also like to add that on the night before the run - which is when she arrived - was spent drinking pails of red wine, no water, and a late night dinner.    So, hangover and all, I hit the start line with my friend.   (Scared sh*tless I must tell you).    Thankfully, the weather was very cool.    Thank GAWD, as they might have found me passed out on the side of the route.   But, I made it.  And not even a bad race time!

What that proved was the following:
1.  we are in better shape than we think we are
2.  the body is capable of miraculous things ('cause last weekend was a miracle)
3.  there's a certain amount of 'sense of accomplishment' from just doing it (ahhh, so that's where Nike got that!)

But the story goes on.    A while back I had also signed up for another race scheduled for yesterday.    Sidenote:  I have this habit of drinking too much wine with my BFF (a marathoner) and signing up for these races - always seems like such a brilliant idea at the time.    Wine = marathon brain swimming in booze

OK so off we went out of town to our race and I did it again.   Yes, indeed, I ran another 10K, actually it was a half Half - so 10.55 km.    And the ironic part was it was through vineyards :)    Ironic yes?

All this to say, what this has done for me is given me the running bug again.   A timely bug, you see, as I am going through a separation for the 13th time (kidding, but feels like it), and it's a really nice focus other than who is going to get the frying pan.

It also feels great to invest in me again.     Running/training is a bit like life.     Slow and steady.   Focus on only good things.    Learn from the tough times and figure out what made them tough.    Be good to your body.   And things will work out just the way you planned.    

Just work the plan - and everything will fall into place.

Tell me, what are you doing (or have done) to focus on you?

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